Fair Complexion, Acne fee skin

Tip Of The Week:

Many people ask about having a fair complexion with acne free and scars free skin. Well, I my self have experimented and told many people about this home remedy which worked wonders for almost 80% people.I hope it will work for you guys too.

Ingredients: Sandal wood powder, Turmeric powder, Rose water or Milk.
Most of the times even we have it in our homes.If not available, All of these items are easily available in general stores.)


Take some sandal wood powder with turmeric powder and put few drops of milk or rose water (Just to make it a paste).Mix them all together well and apply it on your whole face and leave for 20-30 minutes then wash your face with water. And if you have rose water then spray on your face.

Instant Results: Instantly, you will feel your skin healthy, clean and fresh and can observe a certain glow on the face.

Long Term Results: Applying this regularly for a month will give you a fair complexion with too less or totally acne free skin with no scars.

It would make wonders for you. Do it on daily basis and you will observe the results instantly.

How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads


Whiteheads take place when a pore is completely blocking oil, bacteria and dead cells which causes white surface on the skin which are called whiteheads.It can also be mostly cured easily without causing any scars.

How to get rid of whiteheads ?

Whiteheads can be treated by oral or topical medication or even by home remedies. However, the prescription varies from patient to patient. The Dermatologist examines the skin nature of the patient first before prescribing any medicines. But, in the start of treatment, the medicines are given for a shorter period of time to make it sure that the medicines prescribed are not causing any irritation in the skin if topical or any other problem when oral. Hence, one should always consult a dermatologist first before using any topical or oral medicines, otherwise it might seriously harm you.
Home Remedies are mostly liked by majority. The main reason for its popularity is that it does not cause any side effects (If you are not allergic to a particular herb or ingredient used as a remedy).
Hence, there are some of the Top home remedies and medication which helps great if a person is seeking information about how to get rid of whiteheads.

Treatment (Medicines)

  1. Benzoyl peroxide (Moderate Condition)
  2. Accutane (Severe Condition)
  3. Resorcinol and Sulfur are great to remove whiteheads.
  4. Applying Tretinoin.

Treatment (Home Remedies)

  1. Take some Sandal Wood Powder with Turmeric Powder and put few drops of Milk or Rose water (Just to make it a paste).Mix them all together well and apply it on your whole face and leave for 20-30 minutes then wash your face with lukewarm water. And if you have rose water then spray on your face.
  2. Fenugreek (Methi) paste may be applied and leave for overnight. Wash your face next morning with lukewarm water.
  3. For whitehead removal apply 1 Egg White with 1 table spoon Honey on your face with a cotton and leave for 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water. You will see results instantly.
  4. Cut Potato into two and apply directly over the face.
  5. Applying fresh tomatoes pulp over the face not only removes acne and scars but also make the skin look glowing and healthy.

Pustules:Medication & Home Remedies


  1. Salicylic Acid 2% easily available in market is useful treatment for Pustules. It helps in absorbing the extra oil on skin. Always remember the creams for curing acne may always make your skin dry so be aware of it.If the condition get severe it is always recommended that you visit a high qualified experience dermatologist.
  2. Steroids creams helps in getting rid of painful inflammation.
  3. Clindamycin lotion 1% is traditionally used on a large scale for curing this type of acne.
  4. Systemic Isotretinoin is now favorite for most of the people for severe acne. It is not recommended for minor acne.
  5. Exfoliation is also very helpful (Consult your dermatologist for more info on this).
NOTE: This Information is for guidance purpose only (as also mention in my website's Disclaimer). Always consider to consult a good dermatologist or health professional for discussing your skin problems.Hence, this Information may be used at only on your own risk, this website would not be liable for any kind of loss or damage.

Home Remedies:

  1. Tea Tree Oil has been the most favorite home remedy for acne since ages. Apply Tea Tree Oil directly over the face and wash well. It do wonders in no time. Although, you should apply in a little quantity to make it sure if it is not allergic to you, Because almost 10-12% of the total population has allergy to tea tree oil.
  2. The paste of Turmeric powder and Neem leaves should be made and applied to the affected area or whole face and wash it well with lukewarm water after 20-30 minutes.This will not only help in removing the acne but if you apply it on whole face,it will give you an awesome glow on your face.
  3. Ginger exists with the best natural source of anti bacterial and anti inflammatory power. Drinking fresh ginger juice produce some exceptional results.
  4. Aloe Vera is a very good herb for any kind of skin problems. You can apply it directly on the face or can eat it raw. It also make your skin healthier.
  5. Apply fresh Tomato Pulp with honey and rose water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water and you will feel a difference within few weeks.
NOTE: This Information is for guidance purpose only (as also mention in my website's Disclaimer). Always consider to consult a good dermatologist or health professional for discussing your skin problems.Hence, this Information may be used at only on your own risk, this website would not be liable for any kind of loss or damage.

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Pustules: Introduction and Symptoms

Symptoms and Signs:

Pustules are probably the severe stage of Papules.Pustules start appearing on the skin as red circles having a yellow or white colored center. Pustules differ from Papules because they are bigger in size and have a pus. However, to avoid having scars on skin you should avoid touching them at all no matter what. Touching or squeezing an acne only make the condition worst because doing this cause the bacteria to spread further on the skin.

  1. Pustules are red in colour.
  2. They have white blood cells, bacteria and dead skin cells which causes the pus.
  3. They can come so quick and spread rapidly.
  4. You may also feel unwell.
  5. Itching may occur.
  6. Skin might also split and bleed in some cases.

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Papules: Medication and Home remedies.


  1. Facial cleansing gel should be used on daily bases in order to keep your face dirt free. Not only this, but cleaning your face with a good medicated cleansing gel make sure the proper nutrition of your skin and hence the chances of getting rid of Papules increases.
  2. Using Benzoyl peroxide 2.5% on Papules is considered really helpful with an overnight difference. Applying Benzoyl peroxide 2.5% over night has showed some extremely good results from different people.
  3. Moisturizer should always be used no matter if your skin is oily. Our skin is pre-programmed to produce oil, it is just like a natural process and you can play with it , so when you wash your face the skin tries to produce oil in that phase if you apply moisturizer then your skin gets satisfied with it and hence does not feel to produce more oil.Plus, if you are using Benzoyl peroxide then it makes your skin dry, hence it is a must to apply a good moisturizer which suits your skin best.
  4. Vitamin- A cream is also suggested by many dermatologist. But, it should be kept in mind that it is really a strong cream, hence you should not use it no more than the size of a pea.
NOTE: This Information is for guidance purpose only (as also mention in my website's Disclaimer). Always consider to consult a good dermatologist or health professional for discussing your skin problems.Hence, this Information may be used at only on your own risk, this website would not be liable for any kind of loss or damage.

Home Remedies:

If you are never a fan of doctors or medical science then you can always rely on natural remedies. These remedies are used from the daily products we have in our kitchens.Few important remedies are explained below:

  1. Applying tooth paste at the effected area is a good instant process to dry out the pimple (papule). You can apply it before going to bed and you will surely see some good results in the morning. However, this should be checked first on the short time base to see if it does not irritate your skin.
  2. One of the most important and popular home product which is used for many purposes is Honey. Honey kills the bacteria on the skin instantly and hence helps to a great extent clearing up the pimples.
  3. Fresh Juices are always helpful for human health.But, the fresh juice of raw Papaya also helps in curing acne by external use. Raw Papaya juice can be applied externally over the pimples. This remedy often gives some good results.
  4. Rubbing Raw Potato over the effected area is also a good option.
  5. Crush some aspirin and put a bit of water on it to make a paste. Apply it on the acne area and leave it for 10-15 minutes then rinse it well with cold water.

NOTE: This Information is for guidance purpose only (as also mention in my website's Disclaimer). Always consider to consult a good dermatologist or health professional for discussing your skin problems.Hence, this Information may be used at only on your own risk, this website would not be liable for any kind of loss or damage.

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Papules: Introduction and Symptoms.

Symptoms and Signs:

Papules are small pink bumps and are very firm.This condition of Acne is considered as minor but if not taken care properly it can become severe and become more inflammatory. Few of the basic symptoms of Papules are explained below:

  1. The basic difference which identify Papules is its distinctive property of being firm and indurated.
  2. They are small pink bumps.
  3. They may be found as a cluster formed by different groups of Papules at different parts of the body.
  4. The mostly appear as shiny skin color.
  5. Papules often appears to be so small at times that they are hardly noticed. However, usually their size is between 1 to 5 mm.
  6. Papules are considered as a phase between non-inflammatory lesions and inflammatory lesions.
  7. Papules can appear on any part of the face or on any part of the whole body. However, They are mostly found on cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, arms etc.

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Types of Pimples

We will discuss 4 types of pimples from minor to severe.

1) Papules

Papules are red, inflamed lesion. They do not contain Pus and there is no head. The major cause of papules is dirt, oil and bacteria. The good news is that papules heal quickly without scarring if cared properly.

2) Pustules

pustules are probably the severe stage of Papules. Pustules are red and inflamed, having white head and containing pus. Plus, their size varies from simple and small to a large one.

3) Whiteheads

Whiteheads take place when a pore is completely blocking oil, bacteria and dead cells which causes white surface on the skin which are called whiteheads. It can also be mostly cured easily without causing any scars.


Blackheads take place when a pore is partially blocking oil, bacteria and dead cells but to a certain extent the oil, bacteria and dead cells are drain off the skin. Although, black spot is caused by the reaction with the oxygen. It is mostly a stable structure that is why it can take a long time to go away.

All these types of pimples discussed here are further explained with a treatment section in the following pages

Papules Introduction and Symptoms

Papules Home Remedies & Medication

Pustules Introduction and Symptoms

Pustules Home Remedies & Medication

Blackheads Home Remedies

Whiteheads Home Remedies


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Frequantly Asked Questions about Acne

1) What is Acne?

It is a problem of skin which causes different types of spots on the skin. However, It can take place on any part of the body let it be face, neck, arms, back, chest and any other place (It varies person to person according to the disorder).
It does not matter whatever age is yours, it can happen to any person of any age. However, stats show that around 80% of affected people belong to the age group of 13 - 17.How ever the ratio between adult man and woman is 1:5.

2) How do you know if you have acne?

There are many symptoms that can indicate it

* Yellow or Red spots on the skin.

* Whiteheads

* Blackheads

* Scars

* Deep inflamed lesions

3) My Pimples are getting worse, I don't know why?

There are few basic things that should be kept in mind in order to not to make it worse

* NEVER SQUEEZE A SPOT, Yes I wrote that in capital in bold format because I really want to put emphasis on this point. Because, mostly people try to get rid of it by squeezing it out. This does not help at all. In fact, it makes the condition worse and it will mostly leave a bad scar on the skin.

* Contraceptive pills are often found guilty of making it worse. It does not mean that they are not useful for the treatment. Actually, these pills might help in the treatment but you should always consult a well qualified dermatologist, he will better know what is good for you and what is not.

* Cosmetics should be used with great care, because there are certain greasy cosmetics which can really make your acne worse. So, be sure the cosmetics you are using should not be greasy.

* Steroids may also cause you several pimples and make old ones worse than before as a side effect.

4) What are the major causes of Pimples?

There are many factors which different experts think that might cause Pimples. Few of those are explained below:

* Pimples can happen as a result of Harmon, inflammatory or bacterial disorder.

* Mental stress and tension (Office load or domestic stress).

* Use of too much Junk Food (Oily food with large amount of fats like Pizzas, Burgers, French fries etc).

* Drinking not sufficient water.

* Greasy cosmetics (Bad quality or cheap cosmetics).

* Dirt on skin can cause several acne, therefore, make it sure that your skin remains clean and dirt free. But, be sure not to over clean your skin because it might make your skin drier which will cause irritation in the skin.

* Environmental pollution.

* Frequently rubbing or touching own skin.

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