Frequantly Asked Questions about Acne

1) What is Acne?

It is a problem of skin which causes different types of spots on the skin. However, It can take place on any part of the body let it be face, neck, arms, back, chest and any other place (It varies person to person according to the disorder).
It does not matter whatever age is yours, it can happen to any person of any age. However, stats show that around 80% of affected people belong to the age group of 13 - 17.How ever the ratio between adult man and woman is 1:5.

2) How do you know if you have acne?

There are many symptoms that can indicate it

* Yellow or Red spots on the skin.

* Whiteheads

* Blackheads

* Scars

* Deep inflamed lesions

3) My Pimples are getting worse, I don't know why?

There are few basic things that should be kept in mind in order to not to make it worse

* NEVER SQUEEZE A SPOT, Yes I wrote that in capital in bold format because I really want to put emphasis on this point. Because, mostly people try to get rid of it by squeezing it out. This does not help at all. In fact, it makes the condition worse and it will mostly leave a bad scar on the skin.

* Contraceptive pills are often found guilty of making it worse. It does not mean that they are not useful for the treatment. Actually, these pills might help in the treatment but you should always consult a well qualified dermatologist, he will better know what is good for you and what is not.

* Cosmetics should be used with great care, because there are certain greasy cosmetics which can really make your acne worse. So, be sure the cosmetics you are using should not be greasy.

* Steroids may also cause you several pimples and make old ones worse than before as a side effect.

4) What are the major causes of Pimples?

There are many factors which different experts think that might cause Pimples. Few of those are explained below:

* Pimples can happen as a result of Harmon, inflammatory or bacterial disorder.

* Mental stress and tension (Office load or domestic stress).

* Use of too much Junk Food (Oily food with large amount of fats like Pizzas, Burgers, French fries etc).

* Drinking not sufficient water.

* Greasy cosmetics (Bad quality or cheap cosmetics).

* Dirt on skin can cause several acne, therefore, make it sure that your skin remains clean and dirt free. But, be sure not to over clean your skin because it might make your skin drier which will cause irritation in the skin.

* Environmental pollution.

* Frequently rubbing or touching own skin.

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  1. george83 Says:

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  2. Anonymous Says:

    Good work on the article.

  3. AW Says:

    Thank You. I am making efforts to keep updating the articles to provide you more treatment and information about different skin issues.Keep up the feed back for encouraging me. Thank You.

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